Sunday, February 4, 2007

Cold. Cold. COLD!

It's cold out. 5 degrees which means that the car is cranky to start, it's hard to breathe, and MUD (Metropolitan Utility District) is celebrating the gas usage. The sky is a brilliant blue and the air has a crisp tang to it.

My daughter and I have a joke about how cold it is. It seems that I was hanging onto a green coat that I inherited from her for far too long. So, she bought me a black coat that was so warm that I can only wear it when the temp gets down to the teens. The green coat stayed.

Fast forward a couple of years. She moved to Dallas and found an awesome red coat at a rediculously low price, so she bought it for me. It's actually a long jacket that serves when the temp is 20 or above. So, when I want to tell her what the weather's like, I tell her that it's a black or red coat day.

BTW The green coat is still in the closet, and has survived several closet cleanings. What can I say? It whimpers whenever I try to send it to the Goodwill. It's a warm, clean the walks, do outside winter chores type coat. And I love it.

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